2007年8月25日 星期六





2007年7月20日 星期五

王建民連勝中止 Chien-Ming Wang's winning streak stops at 7


No one can stay undefeated. But we are upset about Wang's lost today because it was an incomprehensible lost. I mean, Joe Torre and other teammates of Wang could not figure out what went wrong, and Wang also only commented that the Jays caught several of his breaking balls well.


However, leave alone the poor offense of the Yanks today, I think that there is a critical event that cost Wang those three ER. This 'error', I should say, is a serious one, especially when there was only a 2-run lead at that moment.


When Vernon Wells hit that stupid grounder, I think Wang should not wait for the ball to go OB. There is always a risk waiting for such ground balls to go OB. But under that situation, if you could not catch the hitter, you will put the tying run on base and there's no out. Forget about Stairs there. With the tying run on 1B with no out is a very dangerous situation, isn't it?

接下來果然證明這個錯誤的重大。Glaus打出高飛犧牲打。接下來Thomas 打出滾地球,如果當時 Wells 是已經出局的話, Thomas 就是第三個出局者,連 Stairs 那一分也拿不到,更何況接下來的兩分?

The following situations proved that mistake to be extremely costly. Glaus was out on a SF. Then the Big Hurt hit the ground ball. If Wells was out by then, the Big Hurt will be the third out of the inning. The Jays would not even earned that run by Stairs, not to mention the next 2 runs after 2 outs.

運動員並不真的需要追求霸佔所有的勝利。但是他應該要追求自己的表現是盡到了最大的努力。在那個狀況下那樣處理 Wells 的滾地球,其實就是一個重大的缺失。也許當時是 Nieves 甚至其它隊員或教練下指令說不要接,那麼也許我們就不該全怪王建民。但是無論如何當時就是因為那一球使得不至於輸的比賽搞到輸掉。

A sportsman does not have to look to have all the victories. However, he should make sure that he has done all his best. Handling Wells' ground ball like that at that time is itself a serious flaw. Maybe Nieves, or other teammates, or even the coaches, yelled to Wang to not to pick it up at that time. If that's the case, we can put not all the blame on Wang. But in any case, it was that play which cost a game that seemed not to be lost.


If that play was not taken as a hit but taken as an error, then Wang's streak of no UER allowed in 40 consecutive games will also terminate. Many people still could not figure out the importance of this record. Many still say that this is because his teammates are more focused on defense when he pitches. This is NOT the case!! The meaning of this record is that when his teammates committed errors and caused pressure, Wang can find the way to get his team out of trouble. This is an indication of how well a pitcher is running after perfection, in terms of both his mental quality and his ability! Wang does not have many SOs, and his ERA is stably around 3 without much fluctuation, but there are many 3- pitchers in the League. Then why does Wang look like an ace out there? That's mainly because he always played hard not to show weak points to the opponents. That's also why Torre often commented that "Wang was not in his best but he kept battling." Why doesn't Torre said that Igawa caused himself even more trouble and kept battling on? Why does he only talk like that about Wang? I will of course continue to give my best wishes to Wang in his career, but I hope that somehow he can hear my voice: Don't forget that you yourself have made mistakes in your pursuit of perfection today! It was not because you lost the game. It was because you handled a play in the wrong way at a moment when you should not have played like that. You definitely need to reflect on that play. This is a criticism out of the best wishes for you to be perfect.

2007年7月18日 星期三

轉載 陳芳明老師 社論

中國時報 A19/時論廣場 2007/07/15



  二十年,對歷史來說,誠然是太短的時間。在這麼短暫的時間裡,台灣社會承受過的戒嚴文化,不能也不該輕易淡忘。牢牢記住這段受害的歷史經驗,絕對不是 為了記帳報仇,也不是為了某種特定的政治目的。記住它,是為了紀念我們曾有的怯懦,更是為了記取權力曾經為台灣社會創造無可置信的愚蠢。我們過於軟弱,才 縱容戒嚴體制存在如此長久。權力過於傲慢,才在歷史上留下如此深刻的傷害。

  解嚴才二十年,戒嚴卻長達三十八年。受害那麼久的台灣社會,如果有人對於戒嚴文化表達過於嚴苛的批判與詬罵,應該都可以獲得容忍。多少靈魂的冤屈,多 少人格的委曲,被壓抑如許長久之後,這個社會應該提供一些管道讓他們發抒出來。任何悲憤的語言,無論有多強烈,都無法與戒嚴時期的暴力相互比並。解嚴已然 到來,戒嚴所造成的傷害至今還是停留在陣痛階段。七年之病,求三年之艾。我們需要以更長的時間與更寬容的耐心,為受傷的靈魂療傷止痛。

  所謂靈魂的受害,並非只是指某些特定政治犯的失去生命與失去自由而已,而是指整個社會都被拘禁在精神的囚牢。當新聞局長謝志偉說,戒嚴時期有二十萬人 受害,他指的應該是白色恐怖的政治犯及其家屬。國民黨的發言人竟然說,這是誇大數字,而且是在挑撥群族對立。這樣的發言,不僅沒有誠實面對歷史真相,甚至 還在歷史傷口上灑鹽。二十萬人受害的數字其實還是過於簡化,不足以反映整個社會受害的實況。在戒嚴時期即使有那麼多人沒有坐牢的經驗,沒有遭到處決的命 運,但是戶口檢查制度與思想檢查制度,對台灣文化生產力的斲喪,至今還是無法估算。

  這種文化傷害,絕對沒有族群的區隔,戒嚴體制最公平的地方,就在於它完全無視族群的界線。凡是任何思想不容於當權者,就立即劃入異端的行列。海外有那 麼多未曾回歸的遊子,甚至到今天還有人選擇自我放逐,這都是戒嚴時期黑名單制度遺留下來的惡果。國民黨總統候選人馬英九說「只會回顧歷史,沒有出息。」這 種說法,萬萬不能同意。面對歷史是需要勇氣,尤其是有志於爭取總統大位者,更需要對於歷史錯誤表現相當的勇氣。

  國民黨建立了戒嚴體制,這是明顯易見的歷史錯誤。只要有一個人在這個不正當的體制下受害,就絕對是不德不義。馬英九應該對這樣的歷史問題採取正面的反 省,而不是選擇逃避,更不是刻意扭曲。不敢面對歷史的領導者,對台灣社會將有可能帶來更大的傷害。在解嚴二十周年的今天,國民黨領導階層必須對歷史給個說 法,應該思考如何建構正面的歷史論述。大而化之的態度,漠然冷視的身段,將遭致整個社會的批判與審判。

  阿扁總統在接受電視訪談時表示,馬英九永遠站在歷史錯誤的那一邊。這句話的殺傷力是至大且鉅,不能等閒視之,畢竟台灣社會都睜開眼睛,等待國民黨如何 對戒嚴歷史做出反省。然而,阿扁說出如此嚴重的語言時,也對綠色執政構成極大的反諷。阿扁確實曾經站在歷史正確的那一邊。從黨外運動時期,他選擇了扮演反 對者與批判者的角色,對戒嚴禁區的突破,誠然有過令人信服的奉獻。

  然而,台灣歷史並不因為綠色執政就宣告終止。阿扁政府在這七年的所作所為,並沒有使台灣社會獲得真正解放的感覺。曾經在歷史上選擇正確那一邊的人,並 不必然保證從此就不會創造錯誤。事實證明,阿扁選對了歷史正確的那一邊,卻在執政後站在錯誤的那一邊。對於在戒嚴時期付出慘重代價的台灣社會,這樣的執政 品質能夠對得起嗎?那麼多的知識分子、政治運動者,以及沒有發言權的眾生百姓,在戒嚴時期犧牲他們的生命與青春,竟無法兌換一個等值的民主政府,綠色執政 能夠平撫受害的靈魂嗎?

  受害並不等於正義。要追求正義,除了在克服受害的歷史之外,還必須建立合理、公平的民主政治。一方面紀念戒嚴,一方面製造貪腐,對於被囚禁過的社會, 反而帶來更大傷害。馬英九的「沒有出息」論,陳水扁總統的「歷史錯誤」論,都不能彌補歷史傷害於萬一。解嚴已經過去二十年,歷史記憶竟變得如此支離破碎。 我們怵然覺悟,精神枷鎖其實還未卸下,民主政治猶待追求。


2007年7月3日 星期二







妻,和今晚同行的同學咩咩,我們七年多前都曾為了政黨輪替終於實現而一起興奮、激動。七年多過去,經歷父喪而與在工廠為人煮飯的母親相依為命的咩咩,對於 社會經濟的變化,比起我們似乎受到更多的衝擊。當我們一同步出會場時,她說:「今天謝長廷講的話,有一段幾乎讓我感動掉淚。」號稱日劇女王的咩咩,原本說 這樣的話不會讓我們訝異。但她接著說:「但我已經不相信選了誰會能夠解決所有的問題。」



中共的改革開放及對台政策,就是一些這樣的策略。它希望人民擔心民生問題。它給人民賺錢的機會,希望人民會怕失去目前的榮景,從而不願見到共黨政權衰敗。 國民黨也是一樣(我們實現了政黨輪替,但也造就了全世界最邪惡的在野黨)。他們阻撓國家發展,讓人民不得不把關注放在經濟問題上,然後宣稱他們才關心經濟 問題、民進黨不管人民死活。總之,他們都企圖利用人民渴求富裕生活的苟安心態,把人民的注意焦點轉向。

在今天這個場合,才感受到台灣人民還有足夠的底力,可以明智地對抗經濟問題的壓抑或誘惑。人,有比吃香喝辣更值得去追求的東西。以前裴溥言老師曾經在我面 前批評道:當年抗戰結束後,有很多學生對政府抗議,說什麼「反飢餓」。她說當年流亡學生,政府每個月每人發多少大洋,他們憑什麼喊反飢餓?面對這位業師, 我始終沒有敢說出我心裡的回答:「因為拿那幾塊大洋,失去的是尊嚴。不肯出賣尊嚴的人就要餓肚子。」我衷心希望台灣人民追求自主尊嚴的決心可以傳播出去、 也可以一直保留下去,即使建國成功,也永遠不要消退。

另外,胡大姐,關於勘誤表,我也有個心底的小往事想說。大一升大二的期間,因為小有文名(我的成績不如胡大姐輝煌,高中時只拿到省賽作文第二名),又很受 國文老師喜愛,因而被同學介紹到國民黨省黨部雙十園雜誌打工。當時國民黨為了輔選,把原本在台中發行的雙十園,搬到台北發行,並增列十倍以上的預算。輔選 的對象是後來新黨的幾位大老,包括趙少康、郁慕明、李勝峰等都是重點。每周六,我就到新店的中華印刷廠吃免費的中飯,下午就開始看雜誌的二校,有一位中華 印刷廠的老師父陪我一起看。後來因為表現太優異,一校二校都要我全看。看一校和看二校不同。最趕的稿子,我還得要現場看...也就是寫稿的人一面寫,一面 送進去排,大約隔半個小時我就要在撰稿人桌邊現場看一校;一校送進去改好之後我再看二校。那時雙十園的總編是後來中央日報主筆樊祥麟;而在台北負責刊物運 作的是現在立法院頭號惡婆娘洪秀柱。大約有半年的時間,我是坐在樊祥麟旁邊等稿,偶而洪秀柱會跑來在我們背後喋喋不休。


雖然事後回想,我當時一心一意只是為了那筆優渥的薪水,以及不斷地證明自己校對能力有多強,並且後來還有權批改樊祥麟寫不好的句子,政治問題根本不是我當 時關心的事。但是,就像胡大姐在紀念詹益樺的文章中問的:是否曾經有意無意地也成為迫害者的一分子。這段經歷現在一直在我心裡成為一個梗子。


今天交給您的勘誤表,我自己堅持要用手寫,不用電腦打。有點像是西方的狂熱天主教徒要學基督揹十字架一樣的心情。相信您可以看得出來,整本書我是一字不漏 地細看過的。我當然希望您看了覺得我做得夠好。但我希望您不要說出半個謝字。因為是您讓我有這個機會贖罪。「島嶼愛戀」還沒有整理完。希望下次我們約聚會 時可以交給您。手寫的缺點就是沒有留底。今天出門前我也沒有再影印一分。回家路上還在想:您會不會要拿的東西太多而弄丟了。但假使真弄丟了也無所謂。我只 不過是要再從頭看一次,又多了一天贖罪的功課。求之不得。

Posted by K. K. Liang at July 3,2007 01:55


Posted by 三田裕次 at June 29,2007 14:47


進台大時,新生大樓的五樓以上樓梯(通往屋頂)總是深鎖著。當時不知為何那麼好奇,竟去找學長姐追問,得到的答案是:「陳文成事件之後就這樣了。」但那時對政治沒有 sense 的我,就沒再深究這事件到底是怎麼回事了。

事實上當時的我和現在很不一樣。真的。我是比鄭南榕學長更標準的外省二代。而且我父親是由海南防衛總部情報局出身的(薛岳的部隊),來台後在革命實踐研究 院幹訓班結業。其後因為調任空軍子弟學校校長,才和軍隊脫離。知道國民黨結構的人都會訝異地問道:「你父親怎麼沒有當官?」大概是因為進入學校而與宦途遠 離了吧。

然而即使如此,我從小唸書沒付過一毛學費。中學時代也是由輔仁中學校長特別約定給我全額獎學金。不然我的家境其實是不太能負擔我唸私立教會學校的。上台大 一直唸到博士畢業,也都一直是拿獎學金(我是資優跳級生)。高中的時候我很強烈地認為我是受國家栽培長大的,為了國家的需要(自己想的),放棄我較有興趣 的文史哲,而獻身科學。蔣經國死去的當時,我大學二年級,正逢人生的低潮。學業、前途覺得很徬徨無助。在那晚冬的蕭瑟氣氛中,我去剃了個大光頭。當時嘉友 會的朋友們問我為何剃頭,我懶得解釋諸多的挫折和煩悶,就在留言簿上隨意地答道:「是為了蔣經國過世。」不知誰匿名地在後面批道:「這年頭還有奴性那麼重 的人。」後來我在自己不太如意、想要遠離人群的心情下,沒有再去嘉友會。多年之後,當年的會長,葉啟政教授的高足黃厚銘教授,遇到我時還問我是否因為留言 簿上的那句回應而不再去嘉友會。

大三上,我瞞著家裡,完全沒有修物理系的課,跑去上中文系的課,也旁聽哲學和歷史系的課。那裡什麼樣的老師都有。我上的最多的是裴溥言老師的課。裴老師的 先生是羅家倫的秘書靡文開,她的父親是蔣系的中將。她是臺靜農教授的關門弟子,當年隨臺教授來接收台大圖書館,親身經歷二二八事件,曾跟我說過當時台灣人 仇殺外省人的恐怖景象。我除了白天上她的詩經和左傳,她也在晚上讓我到家裡跟她讀戰國策。後來她就完全退休到美國養老去了,我成了她的闗門弟子。這樣算 來,由於臺靜農算是胡適的關門弟子,我變成是胡適門下第三代的關門弟子。這是中文系的朋友給我的戲稱。

但也有完全不同背景的老師。教莊子的是吳密察老師;教非形式邏輯的是楊樹同老師;教中國思想史的,也是後來影響我最深的,是錢新祖老師。楊樹同老師教導的 思辨方法,讓我對文字、言語中的種種魔障能看得透澈;而加上錢老師的課,讓我真正有機會變成一個不受別人左右、獨立思考的人。同時,我也變成了禪學的信 徒。


因為灣灣和我妻的一位學姐的小孩只差一個月,妻和這位學姐阿咪從懷孕期間就常以 email 交換經驗,從日本返台之後,也和阿咪家密切往來。阿咪的大舅舅是前任的行政院長。有一天她對我說,她向前院長提過我。她覺得很好奇,我是個外省囝仔,為什 麼言談之間那麼愛台灣。我想了一想,只能對她說:我也無法理解為什麼在這片土地上還有人不愛台灣。


到前不久,因為在南方電子報看到一篇爆笑的「人人都是哈瓦那大學教授」,才來到這個部落格散心。竟因緣際會地,讓自己在無止境的研究工作中,又抽出時間來 溫習關於台灣的一切,那些我在大三以後、以及在筑波,曾深切關心過又放在一邊的,台灣的故事。然而和以前不一樣的,這次,翻著胡大姐的書,我忽然汗流浹背 地想到一個問題:「我父親會在台灣殺過人嗎?」

父親是隨薛岳的部隊撤來台灣的,那是在海南島失守的時候。印象中,父親提過到逹台灣的時間,應該是在一九五零年,和鎮壓二二八已經有三年的間隔了。應該不 會是在基隆港登陸殺人的部隊。但是我不敢去問他到台灣之後是否參與了其它迫害台灣人的工作。對於自己花了二十多年才體認自己是台灣人,我已經覺得是一生中 最愚蠢的事了。我真的怕會發現,和蔣友柏一樣,我的上一代迫害過台灣人。以前我並沒有想過這個問題。最近我才發現,萬一真有這樣的事,我心裡會難以承 受....

明晚我們一家就會去參加新書發表會了。今晚,忍不住放下其它工作把心裡的一些話掏出來講。我很敬佩胡大姐和林大哥在台灣意識復活的年代中曾經付出的貢獻。 真正的台灣人的歷史,在您們和其他有志之士的努力之下,得以被記錄下來。然而撇開歷史本身的中性角色不談,記下了這血跡斑斑的歷史,會給我們的家園帶來更 多的愛,還是更多的仇恨?這更得要靠我們後續的努力來決定。陳文成博士為了台灣流了血。鄭南榕學長為了台灣流了血。今後,是不是能夠讓我們不用再為愛台灣 而流血了呢?這是我最深的期望。有生之年,我都希望能夠為「愛台灣不用再流一滴血」的理想奉獻。希望這理想能實現的條件已成熟、這年代已經來臨。
Posted by K. K. Liang at July 2,2007 00:52


Posted by 三田裕次(MITA_Yuji) at July 2,2007 05:35















2007年6月27日 星期三


















2007年6月22日 星期五

沈默的王牌 Ace in America

昨天終於下決心買了 "沈默的王牌". 用了一天半, 把它看完了.

Yesterday I made up my mind to finally buy the "Ace in America: The story of Chien-Ming Wang's rise to stardom with the New York Yankees" written by Sam Borden, Mark Feinsand and Peter Abraham. (This book is only translated into Chinese and pulished in Taiwan, not published in the US) I finished reading it in one and a half days.

之所以能看那麼快, 一大部分要歸因於書寫得很流暢好讀. 連翻譯和校稿的水準也很高. 有美方參與, 好像真的品質不一樣. 希望台灣也會自己製作出很多品管那麼紮實的書.

I have to attribute my being able to read this book so fast to the good writing of this book. The levels of translation and prof-reading both seem very high. Is it because American publishers also take part in the production? I hope that Taiwanese publishers can produce more qualitied books like this one by themselves.

2007年6月14日 星期四






2007年5月29日 星期二

基特語錄 Quotation from Derek Jeter


Although now I watch the Yankees' games only because Chien-Ming Wang will pitch for them, actually the Yankees player I like the most is the captain Derek Jeter. Besides Wang, the next players I like are the catcher Jorge Posada and the third-base A-Rod.


Today, the Yankees lost their game to the Blue Jays. They had a extended pre-game meeting, but it does not seem to help immediately. Yet, the words Jeter said to the reporters after the meeting deserve to be quoted.


(Concerning losing) "It should bother you," Jeter said. "It should be something that doesn't make you feel good. You never accept it. When you start accepting losing, that's when you're in trouble."

2007年5月21日 星期一

廢除繁體中文? Abandon traditional Chinese characters?


Yesterday I received the forwarded internet rumor from my sister saying that the traditional Chinese characters will be abandoned by UN since 2008, and the email calls for people to cosign the statements of protestation on a web page. I already knew that this is a rumor last year. But this time it motivates me to write down what I thought about the traditional Chinese characters.


Actually officially in Taiwan, we do not use the term ``traditional Chinese characters'' anymore. (The Chinese version of this term should be more properly translated into English as the ``complicated Chinese characters'', in contrast with the ``simplified'' ones.) We call it the ``formal Chinese characters'' now. Although there must be some political issues in there, I basically agree with the idea to call them this way.


According to the generally accepted history of China, the first effort to unify the characters was in the Chin dynasty. Chin Shih Huang (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qin_Shi_Huang) requested that over the country people should use the same characters for writing, should speak in the same pronunciation, and should use cars (wagons or carriages) with the same distance between a pair of wheels. I think the policy of unifying the pronunciation was not carried through, if ever really tried to carry out. Anyway, from the modern point of view, this is a series of efforts to standardize some of the important `media' over a unified country.


However, the way that Chin people unified the characters is not simply to define a set of a fixed number of standard characters. According to the works of Han dynasty scholars, we can clearly see that, although Chin people did clean up, delete and combined characters from those that were in use here or there, and designed a set of official characters, more importantly, they did so with systematic methods. The principles of these methods were based on the so-call ``six categories of characters'' that existed as early as the Chou dynasty, or even earlier. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_character_classification)


It is much more important to set up the rules than to set up the characters set, and the influence of the rules is indeed much more profound. There were many additions and modifications made over the Chin characters set over the centuries. From the viewpoint of a ``standard characters set'', these modifications are all rebellions. Yet in fact, the ways the characters set is enriched are all formal methods adopted by the academic circle and the governments. In other words, the additions are based on the six principles of characters classification, especially the principles of ``phono-semantic combination, indicative combination, derivation and borrowing.'' Even lay-people, having learned some simple rules, can roughly guess the meanings carried by an unfamiliar character. Perhaps, the accuracy of such conjectures is not much worse than the degree of precision carried by the characters themselves, and thus the characters system had been functioning successfully in Chinese society for more than two thousand years.

換一個角度來做結,可以說中國文字的演變,是依據一套堅實的規則自然演化的,所以才會獲得成功。光從中國的文字史,或許還不易看出這種規則的力量之強大。我們不妨看看日本人如何學習使用漢文字。日文中的漢字,一般都有音讀和訓讀兩類發音。音讀可能有一或少數種,而訓讀則可能有一或多種。常被舉出的例子像是「生」字。當它的文意不同時,有非常多的破音。另外,唐代當時日本的語言中修辭的豐富程度遠低於中文,因此一些抽象的字在日語中簡併度相當高。例如 yasu 一音可能對應「安、康、靖」等字,而 hide 一音可能對應「英、秀」等等, yoshi 可能是「吉、良、佳」等等, akira 可能是「光、明、朗、亮」等等。仔細分析日文中漢字的使用情形,可以發現當時自中國引進漢字到日本的留學生,不只是學寫了一套字,更充分掌握了把中文字運用到另一套口語語言的方法。這也表示,在唐代當時,中國學者對於自己的文字系統的精髓是瞭若指掌的。中文裡面的「溪、河、江」不就是不同方言裡的名詞嗎?收入同一個文字系統之後,不同方言使用者卻都可以理解這些字的意義。以這種「豐富詞彙」的鎔爐方式,以包容的方法來達到「語同音」,而不是禁止所有方言只准許講一種話。這種方式的確是使所有接近漢文化圈的不同文化漸漸以一起豐富的方式同化。再看日本的例子,藉由音讀,日本人學會了唐音(至少是近似的),而藉由訓讀,其實漢字也得到了更豐富的內容。

To summarize in a different way of saying, the changes of the Chinese characters are natural revolution processes based on a solid set of rules. That is why it was very successful. It is not as easy to learn the power of these rules just by observing the history of characters in China. It may be instructive to look at how Japanese people learned to use `kanji' (which means Han characters). The pronunciations of each kanji in the Japanese language can usually be divided into `ondoku' and `kundoku'. There may be one or a few ondoku and one or several or even many kundoku for one kanji. The most cited example may be the kanji 生. According to its meaning in the context, there are many different ways of pronouncing it. Meanwhile, since the rhetoric part of the Japanese language at the Tang dynasty ages was not as rich as the Chinese language, many of the rhetoric characters in Chinese became degenerate in Japanese pronunciation. For example, `yasu' which means peace or happiness in Japanese corresponds to kanji 安 or 康 or 靖, etc.; `hide' which means elegance corresponds to 英 or 秀, etc.; `yoshi' which means good corresponds to kanji 吉 or 良 or 佳, etc.; `akira' which means brightness corresponds to kanji 光 or 明 or 朗 or 亮, etc. Analyzing the way kanji is used in Japanese, it is easy to see that those Japanese overseas students in China at that time not only learned a huge character-set from China, they also learned very well the ways to apply the rules to a different spoken language. This also implies that the Chinese scholars at that time knew very well the essence of their characters system. In Chinese, the characters 溪 and 河 and 江 which all means river were originally the noun corresponding to the same thing in different dialects. By putting them into the written language with the character construction rules, people speaking different dialects can all understand what the written symbols originated from other dialects correspond to. Enriching the `written vocabulary' in this way, the goal of unifying the pronunciation was gradually achieved by including pronunciations from all different cultures into the same language instead of forbidding to speak dialects. Actually, the cultures of those societies near the Han cultural circle (including the Han culture itself) were enriched together, and adoption happened naturally between these cultures. Coming back to the example of Japanese culture, by using ondoku, Japanese people learned, at least approximately, the Tang pronunciations of Chinese language; by using kundoku, the kanji or Chinese characters gained wider application.


One of the characteristics of Chinese characters is that one character carries a complete meaning on its own. Combining with the fact that the grammar rules of Chinese written language are very loose, one can often permute the elements in a sentence without influencing the comprehension of that sentence much. This makes written Chinese language the best candidate of a ``world language'' among all actively used written languages nowadays. That is, if everybody learns Chinese characters, and he writes down the sentences he speaks in Chinese characters according to the grammar of his own language, other people could still easily understand what he writes after some adjustment. This is exactly how Japanese people were able to write official documents totally in Chinese in the old time. This is also why many Chinese translations of writings in western languages read very influent because they look like a direct conversion of sentences of western languages into Chinese, but very often we can still fully understand what they are saying. If the rules of evolution and application of Chinese characters can be preserved and even promoted properly, not only that it can retain its superiority in the Han cultural circle, but it can also play a positive role as the communication media in the whole world. This is just because of the superior rules adopted by the Chinese written language system. With the modern terminology, we can say that the past changes in Chinese characters followed a set of ``generic rules.'' However, the Chinese Communists ignored the superiority of these lively rules and destroyed the Chinese characters system with brutal force. Personally, I am not against the suggestions of simplifying the existing characters set to some extent. In fact, simplified characters spontaneously emerged from time to time. As time passes by, those simplifications that are reasonably compatible with the rules will remain in the actively used characters set through the mechanism of convention. Such simplifications will shorten the learning curve and will make the characters set more user-friendly without sacrificing the power of the rules behind the system. Personally, I think we do not have to criticize the manner in which the simplified characters set was introduced from a political point of view. It is a bloody truth that, by destroying the treasurable they had at hand, the Chinese people have lost far more than the damage of any criticism could possibly do to them.


Being governed by KMT after the World War II, for at least forty to fifty years, most of the Taiwanese people were brain-washed to take as their responsibility to preserve Han culture. I think it un-debatable that, at least before China evolved to be more open, and before Taiwanese people became aware of the identity of Taiwan, Taiwan was the only region in the world in which Han culture was actively preserved. Let us forget about other political problems at the moment. If China does not try to catch up in recovering their cultural assets, and moreover it tries to suppress the characters used in Taiwan, then China is absolutely hopeless in terms of its own culture. In that case, it goes without saying who is to be blamed for the corrosion of Han culture. However, I also would not scruple to say that Taiwan is facing a similar problem now. Even if we are emphasizing on the identity of Taiwanese culture, we cannot arbitrarily ignore the fact that the advances of Taiwanese culture, in a large part, were due to the assimilation with Han culture. The localization of Taiwanese language does not go against the employment of Chinese characters, and Chinese characters are not separable from Taiwanese language now. More importantly, it is a part of the real history of Taiwan, it is a part of the remnants of Taiwanese ancestors, to use the Chinese characters. This is nothing to do with whether or not we are in favor of the present Chinese government or Chinese consciousness. We can even say that the present Taiwan culture is a more genuine Han culture than the present `China' culture. It is beneficial to the superiority of Taiwanese culture and is an act to be honest to the Taiwanese history, to preserve the good part of Han culture accumulate in our culture. We do not have to take it as leaning towards the side of the present China government. The important thing is to improve ourselves and to help the world to improve.

2007年5月18日 星期五

王建民的上一敗 Wang's lost against the Rangers, May 10.


It is usually not very useful to reflect on a game won. Instead, many insights could be gained by reflecting on the lost games. On May 10, Wang lost the game to the Rangers after giving up 7 earned runs. Happily, he is again stablized in the May 16 game vs the White Sox. Thinking about that he had to pitch at 46 deg.F, in the strong wind, it was obvious that his command and control were better than that of all the other pitchers in that game. I think, win or lose, his self-contral is now much reliable. Even Torre said that he does not think Wang was pitching poorly in any of the 5 games. This comment made me think that maybe Torre and some other experts share the same feeling as I had concerning the May 10 game, the 'worst' game Wang had ever pitched according to the numbers. So I'll just write down what I thought when I still remember it.


One of Wang's good points is that he is calm and he quickly stablizes in troubles. When he was pitching, a three-run inning is already a big inning for the opponents. Yet on May 1o, he allowed two innings with 3 runs. In the 7th inning, 2 of the 3 runs were batted in after he stepped down. Therefore, we are not in the position to judge what whould have happened if he remained in the game at that time. The inning that deserves the most reflection is, of course, the fifth.

很多人都為建仔抱不平說,第五局也不是王建民自己搞砸的。要是阿布瑞尤不要守那麼淺,就不會出現三壘安打;要是 A-Rod 觸殺成功,也許一分都不會掉。的確,阿布瑞尤如果一開始守退後三步,那三壘安打根本不存在;接下來建仔連續再製造了兩個內野滾地球,根本該局已經結束,根本不會出現什麼三壘本壘間夾殺。

Many people felt it unfair for Wang. They think Wang did not screw up the fifth inning by himself. If Abreu was not in such a shallow position when Laird was batting, there may not be that triple; and if A-Rod tag Laird out in front of the home plate, maybe there would not be any run in that inning. Indeed, if Abreu was say three steps farther at the beginning, Laird would have flied out. And afterward, Wang had induced two in-bount ground balls. The inning would have already finished without that action between the third and home.

做為一個台灣球迷,我當然是一心支持建仔。但是反覆思索,我覺得我一點也不責備阿布瑞尤和 A-Rod。為什麼呢?因為其實建仔當天到第五局為止,造成滾地球的次數仍然是一貫地超水準,被打出安打也幾乎都只是強勁滾地。到他退場時,至少滾地/飛球出局比是 16 比 3,比16號的比賽還厲害。所以,阿布瑞尤為什麼要守得深呢?他守得淺,更有助於減低穿出內野的滾球的傷害。因此在第五局的那個當下,我如果是阿布瑞尤,我還是會站在同樣的位置等。

As a Taiwanese fan, of course I support Wang whole-heartedly. But after recalling the situations many many times, I think I put no blame on Abreu and A-Rod at all. Until the fifth inning, Wang was as efficient as before in inducing ground balls. The hits he allowed are mostly strong ground balls that penetrated into the outer field. Even when he stepped down, the ground-out/fly-out ratio is still 16/3, even better than the number on May 16. In that case, why should Abreu go deep into the field? Standing in a shallow positon would help reducing the damage caused by the penetrating ground balls. Therefore, if I were Abreu at that moment, I would no doubt stand in the same position as he did.

至於 A-Rod 的夾殺失敗,是個很接近的判決。但我們姑且不要把它當誤判來討論。我想技術上最大的重點是 A-Rod 為什麼決定自己追 Laird 而不是傳到本壘?一個明星內野手怎麼可能不知道:夾殺時最好是由前面的壘的守備者來追跑者這個道理?但是大家稍微回想就會發現, A-Rod 想回傳本壘的時候,本壘只有一個守備者,就是建仔。當我看到 A-Rod 舉起球,停了一下,又決定自己去追 Laird 時,我感受到的不是 A-Rod 沒處理好,而是感受到 A-Rod 對建仔的愛護。他寧可拼到自己下巴都撞破,也不想讓 Laird 去衝撞建仔。我個人充分相信當時 A-Rod 想到的比球評、觀眾都還多。從這個小動作,我覺得建仔已經充分贏得隊友的信賴和珍惜,即使是像 A-Rod 這樣高身價的大明星。

As to the missed tagging by A-Rod, actually it was a very close call. But to reflect the situation, let us not take it as a misjudge in the first place. I think the most important techincal problem to think about is why A-Rod decided to chase Laird by himself instead of passing the ball to the home plate. Is it possible that an all-star inner-fielder does not know it better to have the defender at the plate ahead to chase the runner? However, if one recalls the situation one can find that at that moment Posada had already avoided the path and there was only Wang at the home plate. When A-Rod raised his arm and paused for a short moment and then decided to chase Laird by himself, what I have sensed in not that A-Rod screwed up the action. Instead, I immediately felt that A-Rod was protecting Wang. He would rather run so hard that he had the scrape on his chin, than to let Laird collide with Wang at home. Personally, I strongly belive that A-Rod had thought more than the commentators and the audience did at that moment. From that delicate move, I felt that Wang has already gained the most natural and thus spontaneous love from his teamates, including A-Rod who is such a highly-paid superstar.


Even if a pitcher can pitch every pitch perfectly, it is not automatic that the result will be perfect. As long as you have to pitch into the strike zone, someone will be able to slam the ball sometimes. However, besides his own excellent characteristics as an athlet and his hard works, Wang can perform so efficiently and stably now also because that he had efficiently won the support from his teamates so that the chemistry is very good when he pitches. As to the three runs earned in the fifth on that day, instead of thinking of them as a frustration on the road of Wang's re-establishment in this season, I would rather think of them as a heart-warming incident grown out of the delicate interactions between Wang and his teamates. No one can be invincible. But if Wang lost the game because of the minor mistakes his teamates commited out of their over-protection on him, it is not necessarily a bad thing for the future of Wang.